
Video Series: Maps, Globes and Sleepless in Seattle

Vintage maps make great art. They also tell a story of where we have travelled, where we grew up or show where we dream to go someday. A subway map, city map, or even a map of the stars (a personal favorite) can be a graphic representation of a place we love or an area of the world or galaxy that captures our imagination. You can pick up a map on your travels or from, or you can search your local vintage shop, like I did for today's Video Series! I love the colors in this vintage piece, as well as the great art that frames the edges. The weird lady in the red hat is a bonus. (Photo taken at GasLamp Too in Nashville, TN)

And then there are globes. At the dinner table last night my husband was talking with our 4 and 6 year old about the World Cup and where different teams were from. Out came the vintage globe! Pretty and useful! I love a great globe collection. I recently did one in a client's basement with 5 globes in varying sizes. It looked awesome. Globes are inexpensive and come in a great variety of colors. You can even DIY yourself a light.

globe collection Apartment Therapy

globe collection Apartment Therapy

I found these globes at Knitting Mill Antiques in Chattanooga, TN and GasLamp Too in Nashville, TN:

Vintage globes

Vintage globes

But my personal favorite has to be….(drumroll, please!)….the old school map. Literally, an old pull-down school map. Love love love. Why? It all started with Sleepless in Seattle. Today I'm at Knitting Mill Antiques in Chattanooga, TN.  Watch here:

Are you map obsessed? How do you like to show where you're going?