
Trend Alert

My team and I prevailed upon High Point Market, in High Point, North Carolina this week. High Point Market happens twice a year and is the largest home furnishings industry trade show in the world, with 2000 vendors in 180 buildings. We had a blast visiting showrooms, attending parties, meeting with our designer friends and finding out what the hot trends will be on the floors of our favorite showrooms in the coming year! Just like in fashion, the 70's are back! As a child (of the TAIL END!) of the 70's, I affirm this trend. It seems to me that if you live through a particular decade, there is a "done that once and done with it forever" feeling toward trends (talk to me about grunge sometime). But the cool thing about "what's old is new again" is the fresh take on the best the decade had to offer.

This year it is:

Amazing saturated colors - golds, pinks, teals and greens (my favorite!) in lush velvets.


Aged brass accents on everything from little touches on hardware and mirrors to big impact on lighting and furniture. There was shiny brass but I especially loved the brass that looked old, with some great patina.

Unapologetic patterns on bold places - all the walls! a sofa!


And all things natural. Think hippie chic or granola glamtastic - caned inserts in lacquered buffets, lacquered palm fronds and rattan rattan rattan. This California girl was in love with all the rattan.


We left High Point Market with new eyes, new resources and completely inspired for our upcoming projects! If this sounds like a blast to you, or if you'd like to reimagine a trend you love from your favorite decade, let's talk! I'm booking for 2018 now!