
Color Blocking

"Color Blocking" is a fancy term for painting a portion of something. It is a high-impact trend in fashion and home decor that could not be easier to pull off. Today I'm making gift bags for an upcoming party but the same technique can be used on everything from flower pots to legs on furniture to wall art.

How To:  Tape a straight or diagonal line and paint a great color on one or both sides. I used metallic acrylic paint. Done.

Warning:  You will find yourself walking around your house looking for things to paint.

Color block painted bags Step 1

Color block painted bags Step 1

Color Blocked Bags

Color Blocked Bags

Color Blocked Bag

Color Blocked Bag

I made each tag out of different papers and postcards and made these awesome tassels last week. So much fun!

Go on. Color block something! I'm going to color block note cards in coral and gold and another set in mint and silver. You might see that sometime soon.