Bigger & Better: Texas Transplants Grow Into Their New Atlanta Home

We absolutely loved working with this client, a young family who had recently moved from Austin, Texas, to the Atlanta suburbs and majorly upgraded from a condo to a gorgeous, sprawling home to accommodate their growing family. Due to scheduling limitations, we decided to start with an e-design with them before we moved into full-service later on — and we could not be happier with how it came together!

Apparently, Simply Buckhead magazine agreed and published a stunning four-page feature in its June, 2021 issue. We’ll let the story and images speak for themselves, along with this note from the homeowner:

“What started as an amazing opportunity to help showcase the talented work of our favorite interior designer Gina Sims Designs in Simply Buckhead magazine, unexpectedly turned out to be a really sweet lifestyle piece about our growing family making “BrooksHaven” home. Author, Giannina Smith Bedford’s words are magical and truly captured the feelings we have towards the special touches throughout our house. And Patrick Heagney‘s photography is beyond flattering. Thank you all for the unexpected keepsake! It may not be Texas, but it’s become {our} home.”


This One’s for the Ladies: Injecting Feminine Style into a Male-Dominated Home


Playful Sophistication for a Young Family